Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wax On...Wax Off

Ben provides constant entertainment around here.  Becky says being around us is like living a sitcom.  This, is definitely one of those moments.

Ben was opening some of his recently purchased DVDs in the other room when I heard some strange foot shuffling coming from his direction.  I of course looked over, only to see Ben in the Karate Kid "crane" pose with a replica Karate Kid headband on.  This was naturally followed by a very skilled kicking motion that nearly ended in Ben sprawled on the floor.  At this point I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard.

When you factor in the headband he was wearing, the fact it was entirely unexpected, and it was without prompting...this was easily the funniest thing I saw this week.

Check out his sweet moves below.  This was a reenactment of the original Daniel-san fun.  I HAD to get a picture of this!

The Crane

Note the "injured" leg remaining in the air as his standing leg swings up for a kick.  Near flawless Karate Kid technique.

Mr. Miyagi would be proud Ben-san