Friday, August 29, 2008


Ojo has been replaced.  I won't say it was because he had a faint but distinct Ojo-odor in high humidity, but I won't wasn't either.  Just so Ojo doesn't get jealous we'll tell him it was because Jackson was too cute to pass up.

Playing with his ball

Posing for a photo

Curling up for a nap

He is a 9-week old chocolate Lab.  We got him from a breeder about an hour from here.  When we finally decided to actually look for a dog on Sunday we found a breeder that had a few pups remaining from a recent litter.  By Tuesday we had a new puppy.  He likes Pepper (our neighbors dog), but Pepper isn't such a fan of another dog in her area yet.  Jackson already understands SIT and COME (if he isn't distracted), but we won't claim he's housebroken yet.

Playing with his favorite toy, a gift from Lindsey (another reason Pepper isn't such a fan of Jackson)

"But I like peeing on the hardwood floor"

Don't worry Ojo isn't homeless.  We just have a more interesting pet to play with now.  Ojo happily drinks his beer on our mantel still.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Who Has the Italian Sub?

We saw our first crazy person on the subway.

Ben's parents were in town for about a week.  They entertained themselves most of the time with whale watching, going to Cape Cod, Boston, and whatever else they felt like.  On the weekend Ben and I took them into Boston on the subway to show them a few things they had missed.

I noticed a odd guy talking to random strangers and being really chatty with everyone while we waited for our ride but didn't think anything of it.  He, of course, got on our car and proceeded to walk the length of the car back and forth as he talked to everyone.  Usually it was to the crowd in general, but occasionally he would try to chat with an individual.  You know, compliment clothing, ask what they were up to that day...pick up phone numbers.  It was a little awkward until...

Someone got on with food at one of the stops and Chatty Chatterson began interrupting himself in mid-sentence by enthusiastically asking about an Italian sub.  "Somebody's got an Italian sub, mmm-mmm!" Then he'd talk a little more about something unrelated and suddenly exclaim, "Seriously, I just want to know where you got it.  It smells GOOD!"

His favorite line was, "Who...has...the Italian...sub?!"  He said that one about a half-dozen times.  It was too funny, everyone in our car went from stoic stares at the floor hoping he wouldn't speak to them, to making eye contact with other passengers while stifling a laugh.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Boston Tourists

Oscar and Joanne came to visit Ojo for the Fourth of July.  They did a bunch of tourist stuff with Ben all week and we caught a Pearl Jam concert.  I wasn't there for most of the tourist activities, but I'm pretty sure the highlights were: discovering lobster tails (pastry), climbing the Bunker Hill Monument, and seeing the cart escalator in Nashua.

The highlight for me was collecting on a friendly wager Oscar and I had.  It was something about the Red Wings vs Stars match-up in the playoffs.  (When did Texans decided they know anything about hockey?)

He was supposed to wear a Yankees hat downtown, but he was afraid he'd get beat up in an alley so I accepted a change to the payoff.  Check out the video and pic below from the Boston fireworks.

Don't worry Oscar, we know you don't really hate us.

Yes, there just happened to be a Superman cape laying around the house.