Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


And there was pee all over the crate today...

Monday, October 06, 2008

Jackson's Big Day

Today was a very eventful day.  By eventful I really mean uneventful.

Our neighbors graciously offered to take Jackson out during the day when they are around.  He usually gets to go out once or twice a day, and while Ben was out of town they even came over to let him out in the evening since I had class.  They are out of town this week so Jackson doesn't get any bathroom breaks while he is trapped in his crate all day.  Today was the first test of his bladder.  No one to come when he whines, he really had to hold it all day.

We expected to come home to a mess today.  Even when Tom and Liz are around he manages to make a mess by the time we get home half the time.  Today he managed to control himself for 10 hours!  This may not be exciting for anyone else, but it's a big deal here in NC.  This is like the Lions winning a Super Bowl, well maybe just winning a game (0-4, at least they got rid of Millen).

Sure, he may still lick himself all the time, and he did just run full speed into a parked car the other day.  But now he can proudly say he can hold his water.