I used to tell Ben I was going to start my own blog titled "Funny Thing Ben Said Today..." because he always says something ridiculous. It's either a made up word (usually with a definition still in the works), a string of words that make no sense in the same sentence, or something completely off the wall...like today.
Today he was staring out the window looking very thoughtful when he suddenly looks at me and says, "You know if I was a squirrel..." The rest of the statement was something about how/where he would build his nest to avoid predators but that's doesn't really matter. It was a classic Ben moment. You could see him realize how absurd he sounded just as he got done with that first statement. He kind of wished he hadn't said it, but then accept it and start laughing with at himself with a silent smile before I could.
Ben recently discovered a group of squirrels maintaining nests outside our house and was apparently thinking about his new friends when he decided to share his thoughts on life as a squirrel. I'm pretty sure when he realized they had a nest last weekend he was more excited than the first time he saw the new Indiana Jones trailer. No, seriously. He was more excited and entertained for over 20 minutes.