Monday, November 24, 2008

Ben's Horror Film

Jackson started losing his baby teeth about a month ago.  He finally started losing his molars and "fangs" (as Ben likes to call them) this past week.  Today Ben was horsing around with Jackson getting him all worked up and jawing his arm (as in, Jackson was jawing Ben's arm).  I was watching and laughing at the goofy way Jackson was jumping all around when I noticed something soaring through the air.  I thought it was a large drop of spittle and I got up to wipe it off the floor.

As I bent over to wipe it up another flying particle shot in my direction.  With a quick Matrix-like move I dodged the debris only to realize the spot I was about to wipe up and the piece I just dodged were teeth.

As I pointed this out to Ben another tooth landed on the carpet and Ben noticed his arm and hand were covered in blood.  Being the nice (and slightly grossed out) wife that I am I ran to grab something for Ben to wipe the blood off with.  By the time I got back there was even more blood on Ben's hand and a huge drop of bloody spit shot toward me, landing on the carpet.

Unfortunately we couldn't get a good picture of the blood since Ben's sweatshirt was kind of dark, but trust me it was gross.  In horror movie terms it was more of a Friday the 13th type gore, but that's still pretty gross when you thought you were just going to play tug-of-war or fetch with your cute puppy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Any day you have to use someone else's shower is not a good day

I'm in Vegas this week for work.  I flew in early Monday because I hate the idea of burning part of my weekend flying for work.  Since I had a lot to do when I got here on Monday I took an early flight.  So I woke up at 3AM (EST) Monday, caught my flight and landed in Vegas at 1030.

Since no one told me Fox Rent-a-Car is a shady establishment, I rented a car through them because it was the best deal and it took me nearly 2 hrs from when I got my luggage to when I got my room.  They gave me a key and said, "Just go outside and push the lock button.  It's a PT Cruiser, white...I think."  There were no parking space numbers and there was no license plate number on my key.  I feel like I'm driving a stolen vehicle the cops have been looking for.

I was busy all day Monday and finally got to bed at 2AM.  The person I was picking up at the airport got in at 12AM instead of  7PM and the airline lost all their luggage.  The next day didn't start until 7AM, but I woke up at 4AM and couldn't get back to sleep.  So after being awake for 26 straight hours I only got 2 hrs of sleep.

I went for a run and got ready to take a shower...but my shower didn't work.  Fortunately my entire office was on this trip with me so I called a friend with a working shower.  An hour into the opening session I went back to the airport to retrieve the lost luggage and made it back just in time for the next event to start.  When I finally found a 2 hour break in my day I decided to take a nap.  During my nap I received 4 phone calls so I cut that short after 20 minutes and did some homework.

My last event for the day ran an hour late so I didn't get to head out for dinner until 9PM.  After dinner I was convinced to hang out for one drink.  At which point I was carded in such a way that made me feel like a 12-yr old trying to buy alcohol.  One $12 drink later, I decided to turned in since I was running short on sleep and the person I had picked up at the airport Monday had to be back at the airport at 6:30AM.  The hole day wasn't lost though.

As I was heading back to my room I walked by the Bellagio fountain show and noticed a lady really enjoying the display of water and light.  She was smiling as if this was the greatest thing she had ever seen.  I took an extra second to look at her because she looked a little too happy (even for Vegas).  Then I noticed she has tears of joy streaming down her face.  No joke.

So I got a little enjoyment out of my 47 hour day.