Friday, December 12, 2008

Dream On

So I woke up at 3:00AM today trying to decide if I should brave the ice storm to spend a few hours on campus before work.  At about 3:30 (I decided to stay in bed) I was still partially awake trying to convince myself that I had made the right choice (turns out the power was out on campus half the day anyway so "yay" for being lazy).  Suddenly Ben starts making moaning/barking/who-knows-what sounds.

It lasted about 10 seconds before I sat up and asked him if he was okay.  I actually thought something might be wrong. first thought was that he knew I was half awake and decided to make the dreaming Jackson noises he finds so entertaining just to mess with me.  Ben responded mumbling something about a dream.

His dream involved him being startled by a prowler of sorts in an imaginary camper that wasn't ours but was parked in our driveway.  Apparently, this caused him to take a couple gasping breaths before he scaring away the stranger.  Then I woke him up.

Once I figured out he wasn't just messing with me I couldn't stop laughing.  I'm sure you had to be there or at least hear his dream "gasping" to find this as entertaining as I did, but trust me it was hilarious.

Then a huge, ice-covered tree branch fell in our yard and I finally stopped laughing.  We are in a state of emergency you know.  Don't worry, our power didn't even go out.  Everyone else in the state woke up to floods, cars under tree limbs, and no power but we just woke up to Ben barking in his sleep.

1 comment:

Katie said...

This made me laugh out loud! I would have been cracking up as well!