Wednesday, February 10, 2010

U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A

Honda expands their recall of faulty airbags just after Toyota announced their second accelerator recall. Is it because I'm from Michigan that this brings me a certain level of satisfaction? I feel like [name your new source] just told millions of people "told you so" for me. US auto companies aren't that bad after all.

Yet somehow these Honda and Toyota customers say they aren't concerned. After all, "Honda/Toyota still makes reliable vehicles so I will remain a loyal customer." (actual quote, regarding Toyota I think but clearly the sentiment with most owners) They're reliable alright, if you want to stop you will continue accelerating just like you...oh wait, that's not reliability. I guess the airbag is guaranteed to go off; you'll get pillow of air exploding at your face (as planned) along with shards of metal. Where I come from that's called shrapnel, but good luck with that loyal customers.

It didn't take much for everyone to decide Ford, GM, and Chrysler were unreliable and bail for foreign automakers, but uncontrollable acceleration and shrapnel flying at your face don't compare to the inflated negative reputation you've built for the US automakers, right? Continue killing an entire states economy (yes, a mistake to build an entire states economy on a single industry...not my point).

As I find myself wondering whether or not the Camry behind me is going to stop or accelerate into me while creeping through stop-and-go traffic, I then wander to questioning the positives of globalization. Maybe we (US citizens) just lack national pride when it comes to economics across state lines. I don't care what happens to Florida's economy as long Tropicana finds a way to continue feeding me orange juice so why would Texans care what happens to Michigan's economy?

Oh well, this family will go on loving Jeeps. Whether it's because we are from Michigan, know too many people who work (or used to) for a US automaker, or actually don't see any significant faults with their engineering.

And no I don't hate all Honda, Toyota, etc owners. I just find this latest batch of recalls amusing...and I really like the U-S-A, U-S-A punchline in the title. :)


Mom2 said...

Go Jeep!! My love affair with Jeep goes way back, before I ever heard of recalls. But it does seem funny that Toyota and Honda are suddenly in a recall escalator when we only heard about the big three recalls up to now. Is there a conspiracy somewhere? Either someone wanting to bash them or someone had a deal going that didn't allow recalls to tarnish reputations. Mel Gibson would have fun with this.

Scott and Becky said...

First: Jeeps are the coolest. This is not because you are from MI, it's a fact.
Second: Texans should care because Oscar tells them to care. ...he tells them to care, right?
Third: The U.S.A. chant works all the time, any time. The Can-a-da chant does not. Barney proved this.

Resia said...

I do not know why, but I do not like jeep, SUV, or the like. It's so big, and I was short.
Sedan is a choice, elegant, charming, let alone a Rolls Royce.

My dream is to get one. Greetings from my introduction