Saturday, January 01, 2011

A Christmas Cannon

Yes, we realize it's a little late for Christmas posting, but considering the last post was from October you shouldn't complain. Besides, this isn't really about Christmas. The title isn't misspelled either.

We were on our 6 hour drive from Newberry to Macomb on Christmas Eve listening to some Christmas tunes. Ben took over driving after lunch and I was sitting in the passenger seat with my eyes closed to shield the brightness of the sun reflecting off the snow covered surroundings.

Christmas Canon by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra quietly begins playing on the radio. About 8 bars in, just as the violins begin playing, Ben makes a sound. It sounds like he's clearing his throat or trying to hack something up. This isn't especially odd since we're both recovering from a splendid pre-Christmas cold.

About 2 seconds later he makes the same sound, but at this point I am looking at Ben, prepared to offer him a tissue. This time I notice as Ben softly clears his throat, his cheeks puff out more than a typical throat clear would. Before I can say anything a third soft cough comes a couple seconds after the previous one.

"What are you doing???" I ask this as if he's crazy, which is pretty common around us because he acts a little nuts fairly often.

Ben looks over at me as he makes his fourth soft hack and says very matter-of-factly (making me sound crazy for even asking), "It's a Christmas cannon."

This is when I realize he isn't clearing his throat but making soft booming cannon noises like a five-year old kid play war. I guess the boredom of the long drive caused him to take the "Canon" portion of the title literally and provide a little comedy to our trip.

Too funny!


mom2 said...

I just happened to check your blog today, and found Christmas Cannon. Too funny. I guffawed loudly in the office and then had to explain myself. You just raised my spirits on an otherwise cold and snowy morning. Thanks

Scott and Becky said...

Haha! I can definitely imagine this scene...just another episode of the Benandra Applak show! :)
BTW: if you're blaming the "boredom of the long drive" for the crazy cannon noises, what are we blaming the "does this make my hair look purple?" comment on? ;) Ahahaha!