I have been in Iraq entirely too long. You know how I know? People who arrived after me, are departing before me. Today Fred "Old School" Swain left onto bigger and better things.
Other ways I know:
- I am running out of toiletries.Other ways I know:
- It is considered normal to walk to the shower in my Crocs every morning.
- I've had everything the chow hall has to offer...too many times to count!
- I am sick of ice cream (plus I gave it up for Lent)
- Movies that came to the theater after I left are coming to DVD now.
- The Major League Baseball season ended and started again
- I miss Casie! (but that started day one)
I am a Superman fanatic, but this was too funny not to share.
(WARNING: contains some graphic language)
So both Batman and Superman are GAY? That just kills my world and all thing normal. IS2 T Pilson
This destroys my childhood. UGG. Kidding
IS2 T Pilson
HAHA!! 40 Year Old Virgin!! LOVE! How do you find this stuff?!
Also, did you notice Superman keeps fiddling with his ear? hmmmmmmm, coincidence?
ps. Fun fact: the guy from 40 year old virgin and Freaks and Geeks is also in Donnie Darko. True story! :D
You wear crocs??? I don't even know you anymore. ;)
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