Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wax On...Wax Off

Ben provides constant entertainment around here.  Becky says being around us is like living a sitcom.  This, is definitely one of those moments.

Ben was opening some of his recently purchased DVDs in the other room when I heard some strange foot shuffling coming from his direction.  I of course looked over, only to see Ben in the Karate Kid "crane" pose with a replica Karate Kid headband on.  This was naturally followed by a very skilled kicking motion that nearly ended in Ben sprawled on the floor.  At this point I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard.

When you factor in the headband he was wearing, the fact it was entirely unexpected, and it was without prompting...this was easily the funniest thing I saw this week.

Check out his sweet moves below.  This was a reenactment of the original Daniel-san fun.  I HAD to get a picture of this!

The Crane

Note the "injured" leg remaining in the air as his standing leg swings up for a kick.  Near flawless Karate Kid technique.

Mr. Miyagi would be proud Ben-san


Scott and Becky said...

Niiiiiiiiice! Your right, that is a better story now that I have the pictures. Randomly enough, Karate kid was on tv today. Good thing Ben had to work. We wouldn't want an injury. ;)

10 more days until I get to guest star on the Benandra Applak show! :)

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! You're so real. I never thought of Ben as a karate kid before, but he sure fits the part. I take it the head band came with the DVD not that Ben took the time to make one for himself. Well, maybe....

Ben said...

Just call me the Karate MAN!

Katie said...

I wish I had a Karate Kid flashback story, but I don't. Other than I thought Daniel was nice-looking. But Ben, of course, has him beat.

Anonymous said...

Well, just for everyone to know: Ben's "awesome adventures" posted in this blog are appreciated worldwide as, for example, I'm reading from Italy...and I must say that my friend is pretty entertaining: man I wish you were like this back in highschool!!! Well, thinking about it ,actually, it wasn't that different....:)
A big CIAO to the both of you newly weds!!!
Dario & Viviana

Anonymous said...

I expected a post on the new INDY movie, after all we have all been counting down when we visit the blog. Joe and I went and saw it the first day out. Ben did you wait in line at the midnight showing, since Casie was out of town?
