Monday, November 24, 2008

Ben's Horror Film

Jackson started losing his baby teeth about a month ago.  He finally started losing his molars and "fangs" (as Ben likes to call them) this past week.  Today Ben was horsing around with Jackson getting him all worked up and jawing his arm (as in, Jackson was jawing Ben's arm).  I was watching and laughing at the goofy way Jackson was jumping all around when I noticed something soaring through the air.  I thought it was a large drop of spittle and I got up to wipe it off the floor.

As I bent over to wipe it up another flying particle shot in my direction.  With a quick Matrix-like move I dodged the debris only to realize the spot I was about to wipe up and the piece I just dodged were teeth.

As I pointed this out to Ben another tooth landed on the carpet and Ben noticed his arm and hand were covered in blood.  Being the nice (and slightly grossed out) wife that I am I ran to grab something for Ben to wipe the blood off with.  By the time I got back there was even more blood on Ben's hand and a huge drop of bloody spit shot toward me, landing on the carpet.

Unfortunately we couldn't get a good picture of the blood since Ben's sweatshirt was kind of dark, but trust me it was gross.  In horror movie terms it was more of a Friday the 13th type gore, but that's still pretty gross when you thought you were just going to play tug-of-war or fetch with your cute puppy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one reason to get an older dog that already has adult teeth. (I didn't know dogs lost their teeth!!) It is logical but I just never realized it.