Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tourist Season

I can add another successful guided tour to my resume. This time I escorted Air Force Chaplain David DePinho and SrA Rachel Lane, the chaplain's assistant. I picked them up from the passenger terminal Tuesday night at 2150 and got them into billeting.

This tour was different from ones in the past. It reminded me of a scavenger hunt. I helped the Chaplain track down airmen new in theater so he could do a meet and greet. Unfortunately I am the only "old" airmen left, so I heard the spiel once before and about five times again yesterday.

We did manage to hit the high points of my normal tour, including a full tour of the monastery. Even though it was my third tour of the monastery, I am still learning new things each time.

Can't tourist season hold off one more month? I'm tired.


Anonymous said...

Did you take him to the monestary? I would think that would be a highlight. By the way, Happy belated Easter. Haven't been able to get to your site for awhile, but did light 4 candles for you on Easter morning!!!

Anonymous said...

"Even though it was my third tour of the monastery, I am still learning new things each time."

Hmm...I think he did go to the monestary Mom.

Scott and Becky said...'re giving the tours and are still learning new things? Fromers would say you're a crappy tour guide if you don't already have all the answers. tisk, tisk. XD

Just think of this "scavenger hunt" as practice for the cabins. You'll be more practiced than all of us and maybe you'll be able to beat Connie and me...reigning champs, suckers! XD

Unknown said...

Hey Ben,
I've just finished getting updated on what you're doing on this blog and I've just realized all that has lately happened to you, the extension, Easter ceremony, the monastery..and everything else..I can say one thing for sure: I'm proud to be your friend, to have known you in such a long time and to still be able to see what you do in your life!Come on man! Hang in there! You're doing a wonderful job and here in Italy I keep telling everyone everytime we talk about Iraq that I have a close friend of mine there who's doing a great job! You're a superman fanatic and you've always been one as far as I've known you so well then, Mr. Superman you can do anything! Just believe that everything that happens, even when you don't really understand it at first or don't accept it, you will be rewarded for it, for every effort and hard time you go through. So cheer up! I'll keep writing 'til you leave and go back home! Take care buddy! We all pray for you, be sure!
P.S.:the music you listen to is not bad at all...but it's! Music fanatic!! Listenin' to the Beatles still..? See ya pal!