Sunday, July 22, 2007


“I’ve got blisters on my fingers!”

I have just finished entering five new Ben-jam-in entries in an attempt to fill you in on what I’ve been up to this summer. I’ve pre-dated the entries to create somewhat of a timeline.


And as always, please leave a comment and let me know I still have readers.


Anonymous said...

Alright Benny!
Even though I should boycott this blog 'cause of you not answering back at emails and stuff (you might wanna go and check your gmail one if still haven't done so), I'll be "indulgent" as you've always been one very good friend of mine! Talk to ya soon I hope... :)

Unknown said...

I (unlike Dario) am lucky to be able to see you enough to hear these words from your mouth, but - unbelievably - I am still here reading. Keep it up, and like everyone else is saying, post as many pics as you can.

And Casie, keep those sarcastic comments coming! That's the best part of the blog! Keep ripping Ben up, we love it!

Anonymous said...

It looks like "The Fortress of Solitude" has died again. If Katie can finish Harry Potter AND blog then you should be able to handle at least one of them! ;)