Saturday, July 07, 2007

Takes a Hit and Keep on Ticking

All the traveling I’ve been doing since my return home from Iraq has finally caught up with me. While on the way home to my parents house in Michigan I got rear ended by a dump truck pulling a bull dozer. The accident happened on I-70, about two miles from merging onto I-75 (not even 30 minutes from my Ohio apartment). Nobody was injured because my Jeep absorbed most of the impact.

After it occurred Casie pulled over, but the truck continued. My Jeep was still drivable and we followed it to the I-75 northbound ramp where it stopped safely. No damage was done to the truck, but my Jeep had a couple scrapes above the license plate, and bumper took a little damage. The driver offered right away to pay for any damage as long as we didn’t call the police. His reasoning was he was driving with a commercial license with a special caveat. He stated it was very hard to get and very easy to lose. I called my auto insurance to double check, but they insisted I get a police report to record the injuries. So we did.

After waiting for 30 minutes for the Ohio State Police to show up, the cop looked at the little damage I had and made us exchange insurance info, but no report was filed. I was kind of pissed it had to happen after only having the Jeep for less than two months, but my Dad brought up a good point. For has much mileage I’ve put on my vehicles I’ve been lucky have this be my first accident (and with very little damage).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point! Sometimes it's "useful" to think about how things haven't gone that badly instead of considering the negative side of events such as this one, especially when it comes to considering one's health! Lucky you got into a "dorky" accident, buddy!I reminded me of the one Steve had with Scott, but I believe that was way worse!! Always thank God nothing more than a few scrapes happened! :)