Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mosul Draws First Blood

About 10 days ago, I was locking up my CHU about to walk back to work to finish up some things at about 7:30 PM. I did, in fact, have my government issued flashlight in hand along with my keys and ID wallet. I was five doors down from my CHU trying to put my key away when I went down. My flashlight flew about 20 feet in front of me, my keys about seven feet, and I went down faster than a ton of bricks. I luckily caught myself with both of my hands (ended in a push-up type position). I shot back up faster than a speeding bullet, as if someone could actually see me in the darkness. I thought I knew how to use a flashlight, especially after all of that Army training at Camp Shelby, but I was wrong. Apparently I was shining the light to high and failed to see a tripping hazard right in front of me. Ouch!

I won't lie, it hurt...ALOT! After picking the gravel out of my palms and tearing off the flapping skin on both my palms, I washed them in ice cold water. I soaked two napkins with blood before the bleeding stopped. I had Freddy Kruger hands for about 3 days (a little late for Halloween).
I was bloody, not from insurgents, not from friendly fire, but from me.


Anonymous said...


That would have been funny to see...after I knew you were okay of course. As Martinez would say, "What a Wolak."

I went on your weekly Best Buy run yesterday. I need to find a new location for your CDs, they're about to fall over.

Anonymous said...

what a polish move! haha