Sunday, November 26, 2006

USAF Cribs

Well I thought it was about time you saw where I live MTV Cribs style...sorta. You can click on the picture for a larger version.

Come on in.

Welcome to my deployment home, a CHU (Container Housing Unit).
I just installed the clothesline with some 550 cord a few weeks back.

On your left is the kitchen. Gotta have the imported munchies. We got your Jelly Belly, Better Cheddars, Rice Crispie Treats, Big League Chew, the Dunkin Donuts Coffee, apple butter and the only drink a airman needs, water (my Crystal).

Next area is my Detroit Tiger shrine. Go Get 'Em Tigers!

My broom closet.

On our way back out, we have my wall locker. The bottom holds my electronics and cleaning supplies (an LT has to have a clean CHU!) Middle section is my clothes and the top shelf is my medicine cabinet. On the top I have my library of DVDs and Novels.

Across from my wall locker is my field bathroom.

Heading out of the wall locker area I have my second library. This consists mainly of magazines from the states.

The last area in my CHU is where the magic...doesn't happen, the bed. I do have a 18 inch mattress donated from a local Holiday Inn. I recently received an imported JP Penny's fleece blanket. I don't have to thaw myself in the mornings anymore!

My iPod provides the CHU's soundtrack courtesy of my Phillips speakers. Every man needs his own state of the art Dell entertainment system.

Now I'm gonna take you outside for a look to the left and a look to the right.

The C-Bunker is spacious enough to hold 25 folks in case of mortar attack.

The bathroom is this way.

And a bit further

Below are pictures of the bathroom and shower trailers. I am sure most of you know what a public restroom looks like on the inside, but not many of you have seen a public shower stall.

On the way back to the CHU. You can see a pallet of water ahead. These are everywhere. The detention facility is in the background.

Now the cars. All manual transmission. Check out the custom mud paint job on all four of my rides.

Hope you enjoyed my crib. Now get outta here, I have some work to do.


Anonymous said...

haha! thats hilarious! You need something to spark up your room like some lights or a picture of me or something haha...wheres ur xmas tree?! haha. I like the countdown too ...that means you come home on March 25th?! Ok well I wrote you an email so write me back bro!


Unknown said...

Hey Wolak! Being that this is my first post, let me just say it's good to see you're doing well... and it's great that you're able to share your experiences with all of us. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about it (I'm sure just like a certain emotional someone else) haha :))

The place looks pretty cozy, and those rides are pimpin'. All you need is a little bling to spice up yo crib! Maybe I'll send you some ;)

Take care buddy!

Katie said...

Oh man! Am I jealous! It really does remind me of a celebrity's house on Cribs...maybe Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliot? Or Ying Yang Twins? Break out the Cristal!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben, It looks pretty cozy.
I will say you would never be hungry with all your snacks on hand. Oh by the way the tigers hat is not the same as the picture you sent me. Can't find that one yet.

Anonymous said...


Livin' pretty comfortably there for being deployed! I think you have more food than I had in my apartment for the past few months until I finally got mom to take me grocery shopping!

Later Bro

Anonymous said...

I'm finally showing you some "blog love" so you stop complaining. You really must be feeling like a celebrity with all this fan mail cause you did the MTV crib, dork.

I have agree, there pretty cozy looking joints. Probably bigger than my dorm room was...keep that in mind. They could use some sprucing up with Christmas decorations and what not though. I'm sure something will be coming in the mail shortly what with all your care packages and what not.

And you most def. have more food than I do, but you know, I still have that non eating disease. haha.

I'll try to get on here more often since you're a blogging machine!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's good to know you're living large and in charge, Ben! I have to agree that you need some Christmas decorations. Maybe we'll send you some in your care package. I don't know if we can find a box big enough for an 8 foot tree though. Hope you're doing alright. Looks like you'll be watching a lot of Superman soon. Poor Casie! Your office misses you. Keep bloggin!

Anonymous said...

Ben, be safe and have fun. Looks like you are doing both. your lions stunk...Able to practice hoops/any running tracks nearby? How is the chowhall food? Doing fine here. Glad to hear your ** visit was a good one. Let us know if you need anything - Rob T.