Sunday, April 15, 2007

Chocolate Army

I'm an avid collector of Superman comics, action figures, posters, books, and statues. Being deployed for just under seven months I am beginning to go through some major action figure withdrawal.

Lately I've been looking for something to focus my collecting energies on. The answer, chocolate bunnies. The chow hall had them for Easter and the few days that followed. I took two bunnies at each meal (sometimes three). I have no desire to eat the bunnies, just collect them.

What's the fun in having a collection if you can't share it with others?

Without further ado, my "limited edition" chocolate army!

*Las Vegas sign sold separately.


Anonymous said...


Seriously, no words can describe how cool you make yourself sound with this entry.

Funny entry though. Las Vegas sign sold separately...ha! :)

Scott and Becky said...

So....I'm with Casie. You really are going crazy over there. ;) Don't lie. We all know how crazy you get over chocolate. You're eating your army aren't you?

ps. I'm 21. Happy Birthday to this kid! XD And I'm so glad I have to remind you. ;)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha THAT is hilarious! But I am SO not surprised! That is something you would do! what is with you and collecting stuff?! Now that I think about it, you have collected SO many things!!!

Anonymous said...

Why would one do such a thing?

Anonymous said...


I don't know what to say. What are you going to do with all that chocolate? I think your having withdraws about collecting.

Anonymous said...

you are a huge nerd - but i love ya anyways :) listen - 18 days! i cant wait to see ya!

Anonymous said...

If these really are limited edition, make sure you save the original packaging. Dorks do that kind of thing, but you already know that. ;)

metfoo said...

Ha!!!! Too funny....

I can't believe you took the time to pose them.

Unknown said...


I hope you count on bringing your bunny army home because Casie has gotten rid of your previous collection. Or did she???


Anonymous said...

Good seeing you home with your family last week end. What a wonderful family, sorry we moved away from you. Love your Dad, hope his job is okay.
Sorry we couldn't stay longer, but being a grandfather is great.