Thursday, April 05, 2007


I never did get to the doctor about my ankle, but I can walk. There is still some slight pain if I am not wearing my combat boots (the evenings, to and from the shower). I did regain my balance, finally, about seven days after it happened.

On the deployment front, another source says my replacement may not be here until the 3rd of May! Pushing my return date to about May 10th. The news keeps getting worse by the day.

What started as a great deployment is turning into a huge disappointment. This deployment is beginning to take a toll on me, both emotionally and mentally. Part of deploying is mentally preparing, I prepared to be away for 179 days. I have past my end date and not knowing when you are
"officially" coming home has crushed my spirit.

To top it off, I have not seen Casie in 200 days (today!). Most people can't imagine being apart from their significant other for more than a week.


Anonymous said...

Our blizzard has arrived and we are expecting frigid weather to last through midApril. Despite the gloom of the weather, we had a ray of sunshine when the wind from the bllizzard pushed the ice on the lake and now we have open water. I guess I'm asking you to hold in there and find the little rainbow somewhere. I don't know what it is- We need your positive thinking.

Unknown said...

Im advising you to becareful what you express in your Blogs. You are a United States Air Force Officer. Remember what you represent. I know your angry and things dont seem to make sense, but remember your held to a high standard. No one said it would be fair or fun. Once again just becareful what feelings you express on here. Just hang in there.


Anonymous said...

Somebody's cranky. Maybe you should move to Australia. (Not an actual suggestion)

Read: "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"

Scott and Becky said...

Best book ever!

But it's ok to have a cranky or off day every now and then. Just do something that makes you happy at the end of the day and have confidence tomorrow will be better. You'll make it home soon...or I'll have to join forces with Katie and go all Cindy Sheehan on some Air Force ass! ;)

Anonymous said...


Some thoughts come to mind when I think and pray for you the last couple of days.

A man's understanding makes him slow to anger. It is to his honor to forgive and forget a wrong done to him. PROVERBS 19:11

A glad heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Ben remember when you were small and your favorite bedtime book was about Tenacity. You always wanted me to read to you about that pro hockey player, I forget who he was, but he defined tenacity.

Holding fast
Never giving up
A person of tenacious courage.

Love You Son.

Ben said...

Thanks Dad. I remember the book. It was actually about a baseball player by the name of Pete Rose.

I miss you.