Monday, April 23, 2007

Tray Wars, Part 2

This is a continuing story from a week ago, about leaving your tray unattended in the chow hall.

This morning it was my unattended tray an Army soldier sat next to. Chris (the victim last time) was grabbing some juice, but saw where I sat. When Chris sat down, the Army guy looked surprised that Chris sat down next to him (and what he thought was his other Army buddy's tray). The Army soldier looked at Chris like, "what are you doing?"

Chris looked back with the same expression, but he knew he was sitting next to the right tray. A few moments later, the soldier realized his friend was sitting the table next to us and scurried away. Chris said the look on his face was priceless.

What would've been better is if I walked back to my tray before he realized. Then he would have been out numbered too. Just goes to show...

...a lot can happen when you walk away from your tray!


Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm always the one to get to read your new blog entries first(you're only two-three hours ahead of me I think!).
Well,reading these kind of funny stories, it sort of reminded me of the highschool cafèteria: didn't something like this ever happen to you back then?!Anyways,it surely sounds like some good-ol'-Ben-funny-story to me!! You should try and videotape some! Take care buddy!

Anonymous said...

The anonymous above was me!

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's hilarious! But...what exactly would you and Chris have done to him that being out numbered matters?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, check out this link:

a little disappointing Superman fan?

metfoo said...

Itza dirty dario!!!!! Long time no see. Email us fool.


email: frank at ribitch dotcom

Scott and Becky said...

This is true. What WOULD you guys have done? Made a new friend? ;)

9 MORE DAYS!! 9 MORE DAYS!! :) Can you feel it getting closer?

Unknown said...

I think Ben is just jealous that his friend got to give someone a "what are you doing" look and he didn't. Don't worry Ben, you'll have your chance again someday!

Scott and Becky said...

I was watching The Colbert Report and he said something that made me chuckle.

"The only reason Superman can fly is because Jesus is holding him up."

That's why BATMAN is the REAL superhero! ;)