Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Drugs Don't Work

I have been sick for a week with the infamous Iraq Crud. The Iraq Crud is what is typically referred to as your first cold in the Middle East. You get this basically by living in close quarters, using public showers, and working long hours that wear down your immune system. I believe I obtained mine when I started consistently working out again.

I am not a big believer in drugs (or medicine), but I was getting worse expo- (get ready for it engineers) -nentially. I went to sick call and waited an hour and a half to be looked at, for not even ten minutes, and told I have a "small cold". They prescribed to me not one, not two, not three, but four antibiotics. I guess the Army doesn't fool around.

After a few days I did feel better, but now I still have a week's worth of medicine and they are starting to have a negative effect by drying out my sinuses.


Anonymous said...

You know what you need? Some chicken noodle soup...with a soda on the side. It always makes me smile.

Did I mention I can't wait for you to get my latest package? There are some new tunes climbing the charts you'll...appreciate.

Anonymous said...

When you use the phrase "Iraq Crud", something different pops into my mind then the common cold. You should go sit in the sauna. Nothing like cooking a virus. I do appreciate you coming up with a good excuse for working out. I am going to tell the boss I can't go to the gym because I might catch a cold.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben,

i've been meaning to e-mail you back but as you know it's the end of the semester and it's crunch time, so I've been really busy.

This thing is pretty cool, where did you find out about it?

I also wanted to tell you (which i'm sure you already know) Microsoft released their iPod competitor last week, the Zune. I've heard mixed reviews on it, but most are saying the iPod is still definitely the MP3 player to have. Also, Microsoft forgot to make the Zune compatible with Windows Vista! There's a little article about it here: http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2237

Anyway, hope all is going well and I'll try to keep in touch more through your blog.

Lastly, Happy Thanksgiving! Are they going to feed you guys Turkey on Thursday or is it just a forgotten holiday over there?