Thursday, November 30, 2006

I (heart) Books

If I go into a mall I have to go in the book store. I am attracted to the dust covers, the smell, even the texture of the pages. Casie hates our weekly marathon trips to Barnes & Noble on Sundays. She loves books too, but I love browsing for new reads. She would prefer to buy one and curl up at home to actually read it.

I have about a million (guess-timation) books sitting on bookshelves back home. Casie is always reminding me to read what I have. The problem with that is it requires time, that is better spent running, watching television, or reading magazines/comic books back in the states. Being deployed has afforded me the time to get reacquainted with reading books again.

So far I've read this deployment:
Angels & Demons (Dan Brown)
Inside Ring (Mike Lawson)
Animal Farm (George Orwell)

Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)

I just finished reading Flags of Our Fathers (James Bradley) today. Excellent read. Very detailed description of the events leading to, the flag raising, and events afterwards. Emotional last chapter. I bought the DVD for $4 from a local vendor last week. The movie looks good, but I try to read the book before going to see the movie. Now I can!

What are you reading? Post a Comment.


Katie said...

I just finished reading Night by Elie Weisel (about the Holocaust) and it was really good but SUPER sad. Next I want to read something fun and upbeat, even though I should read The Great Gatsby because I have to teach it!

Anonymous said...

"Walter the Farting Dog." Just kidding, that's just a hilarious title I saw at the bookstore the other day.'s a real book.

I just finished "Ghost Soldiers" which was a really good book.

If you like "Flags of Our Fathers" you should read "Fly Boys," also by James Bradley. It's not quite as good, but that's a tough act to follow. Oh, and you'll like the movie when you get a chance to watch it between your Superman viewings.

Unknown said...

The last book I read was "The Da Vinci Code" - I always wanted to read it and got motivated because I wanted to read it before seeing the movie... but then I never saw the movie (yet).

My next book, ooh - "Walter the Farting Dog" - how can you not want to read a book with a title like that?? ;)

Anonymous said...

I am reading "Honeymoon" by James Patterson! Its about this woman that seeks out men that have huge off shore bank accounts, makes them fall in love w/ her and then she kills him and takes all his money! I am getting some GREAT tips. haha. JK! But no, I love going to Barnes and Noble too and just looking for like hours, bringing home a book, reading half of it and then buying a new book. I never seem to finish too many unless its REALLY special!

If you have time to read, you can email me back BROTHER!


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't really get much time to read for pleasure, being a college student and all, because like you said I have things I could do like my daily online routine, workout, work, go to class, homework, etc. But for school however I am currently reading: Absolute C++, Technical Problem Solving with MATLAB and Mobile Computing and Wireless Communication. Sounds like a blast eh?

Anonymous said...

Just finished "Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. A really good book. Gives me some insight into the place you are and some of the psychopaths that live there, although it definitely points out that those in Arab countries are not all like that. It reminds me of the prejudice in our own country dealing with race. That says that there is more hope for Iraq then I had imagined. A very insightful read. I need to find something more upbeat. Haven't picked it yet but "Walter the Farting Dog" may be it. Mom