Monday, November 27, 2006

Like A Rock

On Sunday morning, at about 4 AM, we were hit with five mortars. This is a relatively small attack and happens at least once a week. One mortar went through someone's CHU roof and out their window (not near my CHU area). That was one lucky guy or girl and I am sure they were at Sunday services that morning!

The next morning my co-worker, Tom, asked if I enjoyed the C-Bunker last night. I thought he was pulling my chain, but he wasn't. He heard about five huge booms (the loudest he's ever heard) and scrabbled to meet a full C-Bunker of other soldiers. I am usually a light sleeper, but I didn't hear a thing.

Mortars are nothing new to me, but sleeping through them is!
It's kind of a scary thought that I didn't hear anything. Maybe the long hours at work are kicking in and I am finally getting use to this deployment thing.


Anonymous said...

So you're a sound sleeper now eh? Good, I believe I owe you 1 Pringles chip in your mouth (salt side down) while you're sleeping peacefully. Now you can live in fear until it happens. :)

Anonymous said...

Better learn how to sleep with one eye open...

Unknown said...

As long as you are under your Superman blanket, you have no need to worry!

Anonymous said...

I worry about you. You must be a really heavy sleeper. I figured out a few more things on this thing. If I shut off the download,of the blog, I can then get the Post a Comment to work. Casie told me how to sign in as other than anonymous. There Becky. We just talked to Casie. She isn't 100% but is better. Burce says hi, your blog is far out. ( I wouldn't even say something like that on line or in real life). We think about you every day.
Mom and Dad 2(that would be subscript if I could figure out how to do it)
The program wouldn't let us comment on your page for today.

Anonymous said...

That is nutz, I can't believe you slept through it! Its scary Ben! Are you sure you don't sleep w/ ear plugs?