Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving in 'General'

I've been extremely busy this week. Now I can tell you what I wasn't able to earlier this week. WARNING: This will be a long post!

On late Monday evening I get an email stating the Deputy, Combined Forces Air Component Commander, Air Force Major General William L. Holland (a 2-star general) will be visiting with the purpose of seeing the 17 airmen currently supporting the Army on both FOBs in Mosul. I couldn't believe I was one of only 17 airmen. I was selected to help arrange his visit, being the ranking individual (for the first time in my career).

I was able to track down all 17 airmen. I arranged billeting and transportation, created an itinerary for the duration of his stay, scheduled a Thanksgiving dinner with all 17 airmen, arranged two mission tours, and was his escort/driver for all of Friday morning. Oh yeah, and I still managed to do my job!

It starts with his plane arriving three hours late. Or maybe I didn't read the fact that his arrival time was in Zulu (a three hour difference). I had to call everyone to move up the dinner 30 minutes, plus tell them to be there 15 minutes early. The dinning facility wasn't reserving seating due to the two hour wait to get into the chow hall for Thanksgiving. Lastly, the General arrived 25 minutes early to dinner, so only half of the airmen were in place.

Long story short, the late arrival didn't affect anyone's plans.
I happened to catch the chow hall during a slow period. The General was very understanding and the remaining airmen arrived.

Friday went alot smoother. I just learned how to drive a stick shift six weeks ago. So I was a little nervous driving a General and his aids around, but it went off without a hitch. I gave him a tour of the FOB then brought him to my work to show him what I do and introduce him to my co-workers. We took a picture and he was gone (45 minutes early).

To add to yesterday's thankful list: Airmen are flexible and I can smoothly drive a stick shift!

I don't even remember if the food was good or what I ate. I do know this was the most stressful Thanksgiving in my life, but definitely an unforgettable one.


Anonymous said...

Glad everything went ok. It sounds like a stressful week. Well I guess you well never forget this Thanksgiving. Love Ma & Dad

Anonymous said...

dang and all I did was sit at Emily's and stuff my face. :).....but you can do that next year ...LIONS LOST:(