Monday, November 20, 2006

Where's the dust?

I am sure most of you heard about the huge dust storms in the Middle East. I am told you have to see it with your own eyes to believe. Well I am beginning to wonder if the military deployed me somewhere else. It's a conspiracy! I want my dust storm picture!

Instead I have this picture. That was me yesterday, standing in huge puddles. The picture appears as if it was taken at night, but it is only four in the afternoon. Yesterday it began to sprinkle as I walked to the showers and the rain's momentum slowly built the rest of the day until it was pouring with lightening and thunder.

Then on top of that, it got colder than I ever thought a desert could get. Last night's temperature reached 37 degrees! Brrrrr Good thing I have my poncho liner and Detroit Tigers 2006 American League Champions Blanket (thanks Auntie Pam, Uncle Garry, Chris, Sara, Kelly) :-)

If I don't blog in a few days, I am frozen in my CHU! Don't worry, I have a hair dryer to keep me warm.


Anonymous said...

It's about time you sent a picture.

Not that I can compete with Da Yoop or how frigid it must seem in a CHU, but I can beat your 37 degrees. It snowed last Dayton!!! There was maybe an inch of light snow, a couple dozen accidents, and constant warnings on the radio about the "treacherous roads." If I can take on Agate after a foot of snow I think I can handle this. "I would have brought my homework if I had known we would be going this slow!"-Ben

I would send you a snowball but they would probably assume it's greater than 3.4oz of an explosive fluid when it melted. I would hate to elevate the alert status at some airport in NJ just to send you a bag of water that was once fluffy snow.

Katie said...

AWESOME Blog! I will update the link on my site. I also felt bad that Casie is the only one posting, so...HELLO!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben
I have never blogged before. Feel kinda hip. If that is a word used now adays. At any rate, nice to see you in the rain storm. Becky and Bruce just got in from Grand Valley. We head to G'ma Applin's for Thanksgiving tomorrow.Weather is nice here. The snow is almost gone. We are supposed to have nice weather for Thanksgiving. Should be nice. I am posting in the wrong spot for telling you where I was during the Ohio State and Uof M game. Bruce and I watched it here, but when it was a 4 point difference and we were late for church we left. We got back and it was no improvement. I have a theory, my team does better when I don't watch. I though going to church and not watching would help. No such luck!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! My mom said "hip" on your blog. Sorry Ben. ;)

Anonymous said...