Sunday, December 03, 2006

At the Movies

Today I watched Flags of Our Fathers. Great movie, but the book is alot better. I highly suggest the book if you liked the movie or you haven't even seen the movie at the theater.

I have on tap All the King's Men and The Prestige to keep me entertained. I don't watch too many movies because it is a big time commitment. I have time, but broken into small pieces throughout the day. Not conducive for watching two hour movies, but TV shows yes. Thanks Casie! :-)

Though, I would like to see Stranger Than Fiction and Casino Royale next. Both look like great movies.

What movies have you seen recently? What did you think of them?


Anonymous said...

I agree, as a movie "Flags of Our Fathers" was phenomenal, but the book was surprise there.

I saw "Flyboys" a while ago and "Flags of Our Fathers" right after it came out. "Flyboys" had some pretty cool scenes and a little cheese to it. "Fear the hook!" (actual line in the movie)

I want to see "Stranger than Fiction" eventually too. I was busy when all my friends went to see it but I might still catch it before it leaves the theater.

I'm interested to hear how the soundtrack plays with the movie. Britt Daniel (Spoon) was asked to score the film. I think they used a lot of recently recorded Spoon tracks, but there was some new stuff he wrote with the album producer for "Lost in Translation" and "Virgin Suicides". I'm surprised the soundtrack wasn't on your Best Buy list when it came out.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I saw "Happy Feet" over Thanksgiving break too. It's a typical kids animation but entertaining. I think you would enjoy it. It had a blatant political message at the end though, maybe it wasn't so typical.

Anonymous said...

i saw "Bobby" over Thanksgiving. it was pretty good, a bit of a tear jerker at the end.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I saw "Borat: Cultural Learnings of US and A for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" (or something like that) a few weekends ago. Some parts were near-death funny, but I think it works better in small doses on the Ali G show. Still, I feel a DVD purchase coming on. I think it may be better at home on the couch. with beers.

Unknown said...

The Prestige was great, I definitely recommend it. Another good Christopher Nolan movie. The plot and characters are almost hard to follow at the beginning but as it moves along everything comes together - pretty suspenseful and keeps you guessing. Plus, David Bowie is in it! Sweet!

Casino Royale was also surprisingly good. I didn't believe the hype that it was the best Bond movie yet, until I saw it. It might not be the best but I would say it's up there.

And of course, there's Borat. I think I almost busted a lung at one point in that movie. But some people hated it. The humor is a little different (and vulgar) - you either get it or you don't. I agree it would probably be better with a few beers!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Steve - I saw Prestige last week with Rob and we both liked it alot too. :)