Sunday, December 31, 2006

Losing A Whole Year

Missing major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years feels like losing a whole year. These occasions are momentous events and signal, to me, the end of the year. With no holiday memories with the family, this year doesn't feel like it should be over. New Year's Eve won't be the same without Casie. I will help myself close 2006 with a look back. Have fun clicking the hyperlinks!

The year that was 2006:
- 05 Feb Superbowl XL takes place in Detroit, MI (Steelers v. Seahawks)
- 15 Apr I went to the first of four Tiger games this MLB season (1, 2, 3, 4)
- 07 May I ran my second Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon (26.2 mi) in 4:43:48
- 02 Jun Detroit Pistons lose in the Eastern Conference Finals to the eventual NBA Champions, Miami Heat
- 25-30 Casie's Family reunion in Cedarville, MI
- 28 Jun Superman Returns to theaters
- Casie's sister Becky moves in for the summer
- 17 Jul I am notified I am heading to Iraq
- 20 Jul Casie and I go to Kentucky with Katie and Becky ;-)
- 05 Aug to 04 Sep I attend Combat Skills Training (CST) at Camp Shelby, MS
- 18-22 Sep TDY to Washington DC
- 23 Sep last day in the United States
- 26 Sep arrive in Al Udeid, Qatar
- 04 Oct arrive in Baghdad, Iraq
- 10 Oct arrive in Mosul, Iraq
- 12 Oct first mortar experience
- 14 Oct Detroit Tigers win AL pennant and head to their first World Series in 22 yrs versus the St. Louis Cardinals
- 18 Nov I start this blog
- 23 Nov I escort MGen Holland around FOB Diamondback/Marez in Mosul
- 25 Dec I was named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year"
- 27 Dec I take the rank of Captain in the United States Air Force
- 28 Dec it snows in Iraq

What will you remember from 2006? Leave a comment.


metfoo said...

1 - I go to Game 2 of world series
2 - I spent a week in Ireland
3 - I spent a week in San Francisco
4 - I spent 2 weeks in Manhattan
5 - On my last day in NYC, I learn I may be moving to San Francisco
6 - I started a new job after I get back from Ireland

Scott and Becky said...

25 Dec I was named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year"

Were you waiting to see if someone caught this? Cause you know, I'm not sure if they know this but you're kind of a big deal. ;)


ps. you forgot the day we went to the Tiger game for "my birthday" what was that, July 12 or something? But you put my move in date. That either means it was a good thing or a really bad thing. I prefer to go with the first. ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being person of the year!

You missed some highlights:
-- Jan-Aug Obsessed over Superman Returns (yes, more than average for, even for you)

I'll take a moment to define OBSESSED for everyone: went to multiple toy stores at least twice a week to look for new toys; made me watch and re-watch Superman 1-4, 1-2, 1 and bootleg Richard Donner version; MAY have actually considered driving 10hrs to family reunion 1 day after Casie to see Superman Returns pre-screening 72hrs prior to actual release date

-- 1 Mar Stopped playing with your ears
-- 16 Apr Started playing with your ears again
--28 Jun Threatened Becky's life when she hid your Superman T-shirt (continued debate: should a person wear a Superman shirt to a Superman movie and expect to have friends)
--25 Aug Becky moves out...finally! ;)