Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy New Year! party2006 didn't end, nor did 2007 begin, with a bang. That is a good thing in Iraq. No mortars or gun fire, I am thankful for that. It has actually been quiet following Saddam Hussein's execution Saturday morning. I have no doubt that your prayers for me are being answered.

There was a New Year's Eve party, but I did not attend because I had work today. An officer's job is never done. I did grab a complimentary Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Grape Juice bottle from the chow hall during dinner (everything is complimentary, by the way). I had no intention of staying up till midnight, but I thought I would "drink to the new year" at 0800, Casie's midnight back home. I forgot about it and missed that midnight too. Oh Well.

So a new year is upon us, full of possibilities. In 2007 I have lots to look forward to; my deployment will end this spring, Detroit Pistons and Red Wing playoff runs, a summer filled with Tiger baseball, the App-lak wedding (Applin/Wolak wedding) and a PCS this fall! 2007 will bring exciting and unfamiliar territory, but Casie and I will be doing it together. By year's end we will be newlyweds starting our lives together in a new location.

I can't wait to see what 2007 will bring. This time last year, a deployment to Iraq was the farthest thing from my mind. That's what makes life exciting. May 2007 bring you good health, friends, and prosperity.

2007 arrived while I slept, but what did you do? Post a comment.


Anonymous said...

Denise said:
Happy New Year Ben ..Hope you have a safe 2007.. I'm jealous you got the snow and we didn't. Loved the wedding pics by the way it looked like something from the Beverly Hillbillies show with Jed Clampett performing the ceremony ...too funny ..lets hope he doesn't perform the 2nd one lol
Stay safe
Auntie Dee

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Didn't do anything caught up on my sleep from the crazy hours of retail. Woke up at 10:30 to watch Dick Clark ring in the new year and that's about it. Back to normal hours this week. Hurrah!!!!!! Miss you.
Love Ma

Scott and Becky said...

signing in on dial up takes ages!

Anyway, Casie and I talked about having a specialty "Banandra" drink at your reception. Bananas and mandarin oranges mmmmmm...are we serious? You'll have to find out. ;)

Also, I hear you're going to be back for my 21st birthday. I'm hoping for an appearance :)

Take care!

Anonymous said...

I kissed Becky and Bruce Happy New Year and went to bed. Not much of a party person I guess. Saving it up for the app-lak wedding. Back to work on Tuesday so laundry and cleaning up from broken fridge and company. Not to exciting, eh? (upperism)

Anonymous said...

I went to Sue's for a New Year's/Birthday party for Chris around 2 or 3. Jess, Pat, Connie, Chris, Grandma, and Sue were all there. We sat around and talked, Chris opened her gifts, had dinner, ate cake, and made some phone calls to some of the Bourque kids on speaker phone.

- Donna got a call for Sandy (if you don't know the story behind that one you'll have to hear it when you get home)
- My mom got a call for "Miss Priss" (another long story)
- Somebody got a call for Roger (we didn't realize it was the wrong number until we messed with them a little...oops!)

Chris took Grandma home a little after 8, Pat and Jess went home by 8:30 to make sure the dogs hadn't destroyed Liisa and Paul's.

Connie, Sue, and I eventually decided to watch David Copperfield which is a depressing yet funny story with its quirky characters (3hrs). We watched the ball drop and went home/bed.

Connie, Sue, and I did NOT kiss eachother.

Laura said...

Happy New Year Ben!! :)

I just got your blog website and wanted to say Hello. (*Laura Kelly...the cousin of the love of your life)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. We all have been thinking about you. Be safe and see you when you get home.

Anonymous said...

I hung out w/ your bro! it was fun...wish you were there!