Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dust in the Wind

Above is a picture of the dust that slowly builds up over the city of Mosul on a daily basis. It builds up quickly too. This picture was taken about 11:30 am. The dust is also mixed with pollution. In the Middle East their primary pollutant is propane. You don't notice the dust until you take a broader look.

It is rarely windy here. In my 4 months I remember maybe three or four days where the wind was gusting. I am still hoping to get my souvenir "dust storm" picture though.

I have also been waiting for a clear day to take some pictures of the mountains. I've seen the first mountain range, but there is a second range beyond that one you can see once in a blue moon. (Mmm, beer) I heard they are beautiful if you lucky enough to catch them.

I have 52 days left to see both mountain ranges. What do you think?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that dust cloud is kinda wierd. i'm sure you'll see the second mountain range at some point. i bet you miss beer don't you? i'm actually sick of it! haha...hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

that dust cloud is kinda wierd. i'm sure you'll see the second mountain range at some point. i bet you miss beer don't you? i'm actually sick of it! haha...hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

Dust in the Wind...haha. That makes me think of Old School and Will Ferrel crying, "You're my boy blue...you're my boy!"