Friday, January 19, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

I'm back! Thanks for all the comments while I was gone. It's nice to hear how much you miss my daily adventures.

Now for the reason I was gone, I saw a shooting star and needed time to reflect. How cool is that? (Okay, okay I know I'm a dork

The real reason I took a leave of absence is because I was in Tikrit, Iraq for some business. I took a Blackhawk helicopter Wednesday night and returned yesterday evening. It was my first chopper ride and it rocked! It was about an hour flight each way. It was surprisingly smoother than I expected. It was cold
though. My feet and butt was frozen. The reason it was so cold is because two gunners hang out the windows.

I landed in Tikrit at about 2200 where I met Kevin Eggers and MSgt Miller at the air field. Kevin came in earlier that day from Kirkuk. Mike Sheets arrived later that night from Baqubah (0130).
Scott Olson is station in Tikrit. Kevin, Mike and Scott were my close friends during Combat Skills Training (CST) at Camp Shelby before this deployment. I didn't think I was going to see these guys until the end of our deployment. It was great to catch up on what each other's experiences have been like.

Thursday was mostly business, but I did get to see some of COB Speicher. I have to say, other than having a Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and Burger King, I prefer Mosul any day. (More on that later this week.)

My return flight was interesting. I waited for 'Space Availability' which is
sorta like whistling for a taxi (except replace the whistling with signing a paper). By luck I managed to get the first flight out. About 20 minutes into the flight the two gunners fired their weapons. It lasted for only about 10 seconds, but I have no idea if we got shot at or if it was just precautionary (exciting none the less).

I was hoping to take pictures, but there isn't much to see at night. You'd see more lights if you looked up at the stars. However I did get a picture of myself with IBA, Kevlar, 9M, and Ballistic Eye Protection before my flight Wednesday. It may look tactical, but I don't feel any more tactical.

There's no place like "home". I would never have thought I'd call Mosul "home". After the short change in scenery and seeing some old friends I feel re-energized. Maybe I can survive another two months. Oh, and a ride in a Blackhawk didn't hurt either.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. That must have been pretty sweet to hook a ride on a night nor not.

Anonymous said...

It sounds great! So you were on a covert op afterall. Glad you could get re-energized for the last 2 months. They should fly by. By the way keep that Kelvar vest on and the eye protection but what is IBA?

Anonymous said...

wow! nice! good to hear you are back "home" safely!

Anonymous said...

IBA=Interceptor Body Armor
(the new bullet proof vest)