Saturday, January 27, 2007

Air Force Day

Yesterday I had a very Air Force day. I was escorting a Air Force master sergeant (first shirt), from headquarters, from about 7:30 am till 3:30 pm.

It was a morale visit with the purpose of checking on how the Army was treating their Airmen. I can't complain, I really have a great situation being located with a civilian organization (thank God). I had to give the dog and pony show. It was a beautiful day, sunny and 66 degrees. I drove places I've never been yet. It was fun exploring, as long as I didn't end up on the other side of the fence. :-) Of course I didn't bring my camera, so I took mental notes of some great picturesque settings. Now I just need some time off. Zero deep...ugh!

It was nice to get out of the office, however the worked stacked up. By 4:00 pm I was fried, but I did manage to get some work done.

At about 9:15 pm, just when I was going to call it a day, I receive a call to pick up the sergeant from the air field because the flight was cancelled. The day just wouldn't end, thus no blog entry. Did you like my "bee back" statement? I crack myself up!

It is nice to know that the Air Force hadn't forgot about us "in the trenches". Let's hope they don't forget come 24 March.


metfoo said...

Hey, we saw the hard lessons last night. Augie wanted to let you know he got that email but it got lost. They released a new EP last night. It was a pretty good show.

It looks like I will be moving come july. We'kll have to catch a show together before i leave.


Casie said...

Now I know where "dog and pony show" comes from. I feel so smart.

Oh yeah, guess what song is stuck in my head. Fraggle Rock. (Yes, going on 24 hours now's killing me!)

How did that even get in my head, and how do I get it out of my head?

Unknown said...

Yeah, Frank and I saw the Hard Lessons last night... awesome as usual! I got you a copy of their new EP... also sent you an email about it, check it out for a picture of Augie doing his thing on stage. I hope you'll "bee back" soon (funny, huh?) so we can all catch their next show together.

Hey Casie, all you have to do to get that song out of your head is sing something else... how about "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred? Come on, let's all sing it together... "I'm too sexy for my car, too sexy for my car, too sexy by far" ohh yeeaahh!!