Saturday, February 03, 2007

The 40s

I've made it to the 40s! 48 days until I'll be back headed back to the states! I can't believe how fast time flies when your working your butt off. My job isn't hard, like when I was on the briefing team, but it's time consuming and monotonous.

I feel like I am working "in the zone" now. I finally have a system that has been working. Don't get me wrong I miss Tom and think I should get a replacement body. Right now its 15-16 hour days every other day. No work outs, no showers, no eating, no fun.

Just kidding about the shower (its the only thing that wakes me up) and eating thing. Big thanks to Easy Mac, chocolate, and Stephanie (my food-picker-upper).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn it! I already had a punch line ready for the "no showers" comment before I got to your last line. Now I don't have anything to say.