Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Taking Requests

With so much going on I have failed to mention that help has arrived. Tom's replacement is now here. He actually arrived last Thursday and life is good, again. Everyday is like a half day. I workout regularly, return people's emails, call my honey-bunny almost every night, and even cook (hot dogs on the grill).

I still haven't heard any word on my redeployment date. Tentatively it is 24 March, but realistically a lot depends on my replacement's arrival date. I have begun the process of sorting my stuff and shipping things back to the states. One box last week, one box this week, and one footlocker the week after that. The days, that once were crawling, are passing faster and faster. These last few weeks will be a blur.

I am taking requests, what do you want to see? Things I may take for granted, you might be wondering about. This will give me the opportunity to answer your questions directly with pictures or investigate before I leave.


Anonymous said...

One request, no more honey-bunny. Bugs Bunny's girlfriend!? ;)

Seriously though, I'll have to send some requests later. There are probably too many to type here.

Unknown said...


I have a request how about you send me an email or give me a call once before your deployments over!

Scott and Becky said...

I agree, where the hell are my emails?! I've gotten like 2, hoser!

On a better note you did perk up your blog with a picture of the beeeeeeeaaaaaauuuuuuutiful Casandra! :D But I do have to say comparing her to Honey Bunny who was replaced by Lola Bunny was probably not the best move there slick. I have a feeling some Superman stuff might be mysteriously missing when you get home. ;)

ps. I'll have to think of some interesting army questions and get back to you on that. :D