Saturday, March 10, 2007

Entirely Too Long

I have been in Iraq entirely too long. You know how I know? People who arrived after me, are departing before me. Today Fred "Old School" Swain left onto bigger and better things.

Other ways I know:
- I am running out of toiletries.
- It is considered normal to walk to the shower in my Crocs every morning.
- I've had everything the chow hall has to offer...too many times to count!
- I am sick of ice cream (plus I gave it up for Lent)

- Movies that came to the theater after I left are coming to DVD now.
- The Major League Baseball season ended and started again
- I miss Casie! (but that started day one)

I am a Superman fanatic, but this was too funny not to share.
(WARNING: contains some graphic language)


Anonymous said...

So both Batman and Superman are GAY? That just kills my world and all thing normal. IS2 T Pilson

Anonymous said...

This destroys my childhood. UGG. Kidding
IS2 T Pilson

Scott and Becky said...

HAHA!! 40 Year Old Virgin!! LOVE! How do you find this stuff?!

Also, did you notice Superman keeps fiddling with his ear? hmmmmmmm, coincidence?

ps. Fun fact: the guy from 40 year old virgin and Freaks and Geeks is also in Donnie Darko. True story! :D

Anonymous said...

You wear crocs??? I don't even know you anymore. ;)