Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hail, Hail

More weather I never thought I'd see in Iraq.

It's not Texas-sized hail, but hail nonetheless. I wish I could have gotten a better shot, but it was coming down pretty fast and furious. This shot was taken under the cover of my CHU (after running to get my camera).

In fact, it has hailed in Mosul twice the past two days. I can't remember the last time it hailed two consecutive days. How does that saying go? "In like a lion, out like a lamb."

1 comment:

Casie said...

It was really nice here for a few days (70+) but now it's back to chilly and rainy. :(

It's not cold enough to require a jacket though. I should say...unless you're from Louisiana. Last time I said it was nice out I was called a liar. Then Josie ate a gumball the size of a tennis ball and all was forgotten.

Oh the fun you have missed...