Monday, March 05, 2007


Ben's Fortress of Solitude hit a milestone yesterday, it was the 100th entry! I can't believe I have blogged for that long. My last deployment's blog was maybe 30 entries in a five month span. Let's celebrate yesterday's accomplishment with a random story today.

As I was walking from the chow hall the other night after another meal of chicken nuggets and french fries, I saw my first dog in Mosul. It looked friendly, yet scary at the same time. It followed me and Ben for a few feet. Taking a closer look, it had a poodle's head and a golden retriever's tale. Oh, and it was white with black here and there. It was the ugliest dog I've ever seen, in person.

Long story short, I gripped my pistol and it backed off. No joke. I gripped my pistol more out of habit than to scare the creature, but I am alive to tell the story.

What I'd like to know is, with all the security, how does a dog get on the FOB?


Casie said...

I would like to know who Ben is. "It followed me and Ben for a few feet."

Do you have multiple personalities now? If so, who types your blog entries, Harold?

You kind of seem like a Harold. ;)

Anonymous said...

With a purple crayon???