Wednesday, December 13, 2006

99 Days

The end of my deployment is only double digits away! Iraq hasn't been too bad, but things that once were new and exciting are beginning to loose their sheen.

I had the exact same feelings when I was deployed to Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida. The first two months flew by. The third month got slower. The fourth month, and supposedly last, crawled knowing I'd be home in less than 30 days. Then when I was told I would be there a fifth month because of Hurricane Katrina I was indifferent. I made it that far what is another month. It also helped that Casie paid me two small visits during that 4th and 5th month.

This deployment to Iraq is six months in length. I can't even imagine what that 6th month will feel like with no Casie visits. I will approach the rest of my deployment, the only way I know how, one day at a time. Your emails, comments, and care packages help A LOT!


Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!!!! 99 days and counting. We are all rootin for ya Ben. We are having a carry-in today and your office has been infiltrated with yummy food. Would you like me to save you some? I'm sure no one will mind. Hopefully the days go by fast. Keep on truckin, Ben!

Anonymous said...

hey there! how exciting!!! 99 days! Hopefullly they will go as fast as the first couple months. Thanks for the email by the way..I will let you know how it goes...and I'll send you pics!

Hang in are almost there!

ur FAVORITE sister

Anonymous said...

This brings to mind an expression used by Billy Crystal in "Forget Paris", 99 days and a wake up, "PIECE OF CAKE."

Anonymous said...

99 days!!!! It will fly by. Hang in there 'cause we are thinking about you. By the way, did I tell you I lit a candle for you. My mom always swore by them. Your the highlight of Bruce and my day when we get to see your blog.

Anonymous said...

99 Days!!

My City Barbecue Christmas lunch was awesome yesterday. I played Santa last night. I'll tell you what everyone thought of the gifts next time we talk.

Scott and Becky said...

Technically it's 97 days now so....97 days, oh my! ;)

I saw my first "Rocky" preview today. It's coming out on the 20th now, not the 25th. Just thought you'd be excited!! :)

looking for something said...

Hey Ben,
I'm on Team in Training and just got to know Bethanie LaVoie. She gave me your blog because my son is a Marine just getting ready to be deployed to Iraq. He'll be home for Christmas and then shipping out in March. I bookmarked your site and will look around - thanks - Jon Blaylock