Friday, December 15, 2006

Band of Brothers

Waking up at 0630 everyday, walking in 34 degree temps to the showers, working 13 hour days, eating the same chow every other week, making my two or three phone calls a week, and missing Casie, alone in my CHU, in the evenings are beginning to wear on me.

When you're so far removed from the freedoms you are protecting, it is hard to feel patriotic. Recently I was watching an episode of Band of Brothers titled Bastogne. This is one of my more favorite episodes because it shows the troops dealing with the December cold, a part of WWII that is rarely shown.

My situation is very similar. Everyone sees Iraq as a great big desert with 130 degree days. I am in the northern portion during the rainy season and it gets cold. Not Michigan or Ohio cold, but cold enough for jackets, morning frost, and seeing your breath.

Watching the men of Easy Company remind me that things could always be worse. I could be without a shower, a warm meal, with post mail as my only source of communication, in a foxhole covered in snow, and getting shot at daily. While my experience is pale in comparison to Easy Company's, I am beginning to understand, with this deployment, why the U.S. men and women of WWII were called the greatest generation.


Anonymous said...

That is definitely one of the best episodes. You get cold just watching it on screen.

Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the so called "desert"! Its high 40's during the day today and they said to expect rain and SNOW today!!! what?! I will see it when I believe it and so far its clear skys. I say welcome this weather because 130 degrees is never pleasant!