Friday, December 01, 2006

Good Times & Goodbyes

A third into my deployment and I am already saying goodbye to the many good Army friends that I have made. Whereas in the states, friendships are forged by similar hobbies or interests between you. This is an environment where your friends are determined by the work we do together and their proximity.

Our schedules don't allow us to play ball, workout together, or go out to the bar to shoot the shit. We do everyday things together, like catch breakfast after a shift change or, by chance, run into each other for lunch. But something happens when you do these minuscule everyday tasks, you begin to learn about them. You begin to learn about their interests, views, experiences and the families that are missing them. At some point they go from being a co-worker to a friend. My friends (from left to right): Me, SSG Z, Chris Ostrowski, Nick Knoebel, Zack Curry [not pictured is Tom Pilson taking the picture] Behind us is an old bunker the Iraqi Army used.

While parting ways with friends is never a fun experience, the events leading up their departure usually are. This week, we have had a bonfire each night of the week with steaks, dogs, near-beer, and a soundtrack provided by Johnny Cash. This was how we deployed military men say goodbye, with fire and near-beer!

I would never had guessed a few months ago I would have Army friends and now it will be strange not having them.


Anonymous said...

Hope was supposed to leave Monday, but yesterday the movers said her household goods would arrive in Co Springs Monday which meant she had to leave that night. We had to cancel the going away bash planned for tonight. Steve convinced Hope to leave in the morning so Hope, Steve, Kevin, Emily, and I went to dinner at Carrabba' least we got to say goodbye.

We'll be going boarding in Colorado soon enough when you get back so you can say your goodbye then!

metfoo said...

Why is your camo different then everyone elses? Yours looks allot heavier than theirs.

Who are the old men in the last pic? Are they like the people on MTV cribs that kinda hang around because of who you are? :D

Ben said...

First, the Air Force wears the desert print when they deploy. Army has a new print they wear at home and deployed.

Second, I was wearing a Gortex jacket because it is really cold (40 degrees at night). The new Army print does not have a matching Gortex jacket. They just have to layer up underneath their uniform.

The answer to your last question is yes. They hang around because I who we are. :-) The old men are linguists that work with the Army unit. Their part of our extended family too. Great guys and sense of humor.