Friday, December 29, 2006

Those Holiday Nights

This holiday week has been exceptionally hard on me. Stateside, people are enjoying family and old friends, in front of crackling fires enjoying holiday deserts and washing it down with eggnog or hot coco. I am in Iraq, trying to put away terrorists. How does one cope being deployed to a foreign land? I will tell you how. This is what I did this week (in no particular order):

1. Bury yourself in work (if applicable). Unfortunately that wasn't the case everyday this week.
2. Go to the FOB theater. I watched Groundhog Day and The Breakfast Club.
3. Put your Christmas-in-a-Box back in the box.
4. Fight with finance back home about your entitlements (the holidays make for a slow week back in the states).
5. Fight with Sprint about getting reimbursed for service you didn't use for three months.
6. Watch TV shows Casie recorded for me. (Prison Break, Studio 60, Smallville, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, The O.C.)
7. Read. I am reading Before You Leap: A Frog's Eye View of Life's Greatest Lessons (I received it from my sister for Christmas)
8. Clean your CHU. Dirt+Rain+Snow=Mud=Mess
9. Think about working out. It's too cold out! (I know, I'm a bum)
10. Listen to music and as a last resort, sleep. The problem with sleeping is a man can only rest so much before he isn't tired anymore.

That was the Reader's Digest version of my holiday week. What was your crazy holiday week like?

Leave a comment.
Pretty please


Unknown said...

Okay let me bring you back to planet earth. Your a soldier. Quit crying. Your a trained killer, you dont need eggnog and cocoa.


Anonymous said...

My week isn't much different back in the states. I've been working at Twist and Shout, saw a few movies with Dan (The Good Shepard - SUCKS & Dreamgirls - Pretty Good) and otherwise I've just been working out or playing with my Wii. I did actually finally clean my car too because it was destroyed from tailgating and hayrides over the past few months. Almost sounds like your schedule, but with less brown!

Anonymous said...

How could I not leave a comment with your sad, animated expression!?

I haven't done any sitting by the fire or egg nog drinking (that stuff is gross...yes another thing to add to the list of things Casie won't eat). There was no snow to play in up north. I got some wedding stuff done in Macomb and now I'm in Lansing just hanging out.

I did get to see friends and family though, so you can complain about that...even though you're a "trained killer".

Why would you watch Groundhog Day if you're living it???

Anonymous said...

Martinez--If I didn't know you I would think you're actually mad at Ben. Good thing I know you're just a cranky old man.

Oh and in case you all are wondering I HATE burning "The OC" on DVD because that means I have to sort of watch it. At least "The Office" is worth a chuckle or two.