Monday, February 19, 2007

And I Thought... hair was short.

Maybe Britney Spears is joining the military? Or, short hair does feel nice. The opposite sex is always touching my head of hair.

By the way Martinez, Britney is off my list. It's official now.


Anonymous said...

Wait, who's touching your hair?!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,
I know you're in the process of counting down, good for you! Our son Nick is a 2-7 Cav soldier, one who's seen plenty since he's been in Mosul. He does a pretty good job of staying in contact with us, but I have to thank you for keeping up your blog as well as you do. It really helps for those of us at home to hear your stories of day to day life at the fob and to see the pictures of where you guys are. As much as I'm glad you're heading home, I'll miss your posts when you head out. Thanks for making things at home a little closer to where Nick is. Good Luck to you and your family.

Mitch Joyce

Anonymous said...

The opposite sex is touching your hair? I can't say I've ever had the desire to touch a military guy's hair. :)