Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'm Sailing Away

It started raining last night. This is what I saw when I opened my door this morning.

Second door from the left, 31, is mine.

Remember, when you were a kid, that game at the jungle gym where the ground was lava and you couldn't touch it? I felt like I was in an action adventure movie trying to get to the showers. I had to carefully plan the jump from plank to plank, making sure not to touch the contaminated water (only in my mind...I hope). I also didn't want to slip and fall on my face again. Stephanie, a co-worker of mine, says if I fall one more time I will officially be 'clumsy'. We don't want that, right Case? ;-)

There is no sewer system here, so I can see how it would flood quickly, but it has rained before and it never flooded. I have a one question, where does the water go? Maybe I've start an algae garden.

How many of you caught my Styx reference in the title?

1 comment:

Katie said...

Good call with the Lava game! Hilarious. Stay afloat!