Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just a Castaway... island lost at sea, oh

Well, as many of you know, I have been working by myself for the past three weeks. Every time I am told someone is headed my way to assist me they are redirected. This morning I was told two more weeks before help arrives. I am preforming the job of three people everywhere else (how does that work?). Grrr

I am beginning to feel like a castaway. Soon I'll be forgotten.

Oh well, I am just venting my frustration. Sending my S.O.S. to the world.


Katie said...

You're getting to be like Desmond on Lost, waiting for your replacement!

Anonymous said...

Greenday pops in my head.

Castaway - going at it alone
Castaway - now I'm on my own

Maybe the songs from Warning will keep me awake the rest of class now. It's about 20 degrees warmer than it should be in here.

I guess this means you're either packing a bag and fleeing Mosul the second a replacement shows (Desmond) or delivering a FedEx package on your way home (Tom Hanks, Castaway).

Unknown said...

I will tell you who does the work of 3 people. You do because your a soldier! Now enjoy it! What are you going to do when you are in the Jungle and no one comes to get you and you have to eat monkey brains for days.

Anonymous said...

Your musical allusions are getting out of control :) By the way, briefings are down to one a week now. When you get back you can regale the noobs with tales of the dark ages: 5 standups a week and working in a black closet-size sweatshop.