Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Toast

I told you it was hectic Sunday, so I took Monday off...from the blog. I was busy playing host to Joe B. He was here to upgrade some of my computer systems. He finished early and Sunday I gave him "the tour". That was what took up all my time Sunday and caused me to play catch up yesterday.

We toured the paved roads, the dirt roads, the chow hall, and laundry mat, pretty exciting stuff. After that I took him to 7-11 (a haji store) and the monastery (pictured below). The monastery was the highlight. It dates back to 595 A.D. You have to make a reservation with the Chaplain and it last about 1.5-2 hours. It is pretty impressive.

It got all hectic in the evening. Joe's flight for the next day got canceled, but there was a space-A flight that night (within the hour). We ran back to the shop to gather his things. I dropped him off just in time to find the flight was delayed.

Since we had time, I ran to get him something to eat. I returned with the food to find the laptop he was finishing up some last minute work died. I had to run back to work, pick up the AC adapter before he left. Long, more dramatic, story short, I bring the adapter just in time for him to restart a program and then he was gone.

I am out of breath just retelling the story.

(Was that a good enough excuse for missing a day on the blog?)


Anonymous said...

24 days!!! That means I have to get in your office and clean it out! It has been infiltrated with printers, shredders, crock pots, chips, crackers, plastic untensils and all kinds of other things! Sounds like you've been staying pretty darn busy. Hopefully you will get a break before coming back to work. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!


Scott and Becky said...

Is it weird that I was TOTALLY thinking of the same quote? Get out of my head, man! ;)

ps. 34 days (33 for you) until opening day!! :D How excited are you? I've had a countdown for the past 2 months! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Opening day is still on the same actual day Beck. They don't play the game a day earlier just for the kids a day ahead in the sandbox.

There's no time traveling going on. What do you think Ben's coming home in, a DeLorean??? :P

Scott and Becky said...

Ah, whatever. Maybe Ben will travel in time! After all, this new Daylight Savings Time could cause a nuclear reaction generating the 1.21 jigawatts of electricity needed for the flux capacitor. Or maybe he'll just rip off a group of Libyan nationalists who wanted him to build a bomb, but he took their plutonium and in turn, gave them a shoddy bomb-casing full of used pinball machine parts. Ben's shady like that. ;)

Plus we DID see a DeLorean last summer, so you NEVER know. They're out there!