Friday, March 30, 2007

The Colors of Spring

Among the brown that makes up most of Iraq, color can be found. I am not sure if these are weeds or wild flowers. I found yellow,


red (wildflower: Shaqaik Al-Nu'man),

and an ugly duckling.

It is nice to see color again, it reminds me of home. I miss you all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


This is the Diamondback 7-Eleven I've mentioned in previous entries. It is owned by a local outside the post. They sell phone cards, candy, soda, and the $3 haji movies that have been keeping me entertained. No Slurpees though.

Inside there is a picture of the 7-11 they own in the states. For whatever reason, they came back here to see that their family stays safe and to support the troops. Pretty cool, considering the danger they put themselves in to leave post every night.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Roll Me Away

Day three of my ankle sprain. The picture doesn't do it justice, but you can see the outside of the ankle is swollen.

I injured it playing basketball Sunday. Of course I injured it the first game going in for a underneath-scoop layup. After about 5 minutes I was able to walk it off. I limped around for another 3 games before Pen had a hamstring injury. It didn't swell up instantly. However, it did over the course of the afternoon.

By the evening, when I walked from my CHU to the bathroom, I was practically in tears. Yesterday it felt better, but the ankle was still swollen and weak. In fact I fell again, that's number four. I may have fell regardless because I was videotaping the monastery tour and walked into a hole. You'll see the tape when I get home.

So now it's day three. The ankle is a little stronger, but still big. I ice it once a day, about mid-afternoon. It gives me my second wind to move around the rest of the day.

I made the layup, by the way! :-)

Nevada Lights

Every night is Vegas Night! I have a little piece of everyone from the many care packages I've received the duration of my deployment. I thought I'd share the piece my Aunt, Uncle, and Jenny (my sister) sent from Las Vegas.

It's a miniature "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. If I turn off all my lights, like the above picture, it makes me forget I'm in the Middle East.

It is nice to be able to turn off the fluorescent lights in the evening. It definitely changes the mood and makes my CHU feel more like home.

I'm not the gambler-type, so I never thought I'd say, "Vegas lights feel like home!"

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gone But Not Forgotten

I mentioned this monument in my "Everywhere" post, but have failed to blog about it. I think the pictures will speak for themselves.

On the 21st of December there was a moment of silence at 12:07 p.m., the time incident occurred. They also had a very touching ceremony in front of the monument directly afterwards. It is hard to believe that where I eat everday something like this could have ever occurred.

Friday, March 23, 2007


I should be the official tour guide to FOB Diamondback and FOB Marez. The colonel's visit gave me yet another opportunity to give a tour of the post.

Tour highlights:
- airport mosque
- monastery
- both chow halls
- Marez DFAC Monument
- highest point on Marez
- picture point of mountains
- 7-11 Shop
- Haji Shops
- The Batcave

I think I have this tour guide thing down pat. Can I go home yet?

By the way, today marks my 179th day in the AOR (area of responsibility). I would have started my trip back to the states today, if I weren't extended.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


My guest and his operations officer's departure was as notable their arrival. The colonel and captain finally got out of Mosul (AKA the Iraqi black hole) yesterday night after several attempts.

Originally scheduled to leave Wednesday night on space-A (available). I had them all ready to go, their names were called, they were in line to board the aircraft, I left, but an hour later I get a call they were bumped off the flight.

Yesterday they were manifested on a 1900 flight (a sure thing), but maintenance problems caused that flight to be canceled.

Luckily we stopped by the airfield one last time for the night and found a replacement flight inbound. Third time's the charm, I guess.

After this flight fiasco, I am really not looking forward to traveling back to the states.


I'm here! The boss was visiting.

He was suppose to arrive at 1130 on Tuesday. I was at the airfield from 1100 until 1400, no colonel. I went back to the office to call around and nobody was tracking his flights. Went back to the airfield at 1800 to learn the flight has been canceled, but, there is always a but, it may come in at 2100 or midnight, if at all.

Showed up at 2100, no incoming flights. Go to my CHU at 2145 and receive a knock on my door at 2215, the colonel needs to be picked up. I hop back into my uniform and proceed to pick them up.

Long story short, he was hungry, so we stayed up for midnight chow and I got to bed by 0030. (More tomorrow)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Rainbow Connection

This deployment has thrown all my Iraqi weather stereotypes out the window. In my six months here I've seen 100 degrees days, rain, snow, sleet, hail, and now I've seen a rainbow!

In Iraq, instead of a pot of gold, a detention facility.

You can see a very faint double rainbow in this picture.

And for nostalgic purposes, one of my favorite songs of all time!

BONUS VIDEO: "Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hail, Hail

More weather I never thought I'd see in Iraq.

It's not Texas-sized hail, but hail nonetheless. I wish I could have gotten a better shot, but it was coming down pretty fast and furious. This shot was taken under the cover of my CHU (after running to get my camera).

In fact, it has hailed in Mosul twice the past two days. I can't remember the last time it hailed two consecutive days. How does that saying go? "In like a lion, out like a lamb."

Friday, March 16, 2007


I have been watching the Rambo trilogy, for the first time in my life, the past few nights in my CHU. 80s entertainment at its best. Just when I was about to run out of Rambo movies to watch, March Madness begins! Another reason to watch television again, but it won't even feel like a tournament without Duke (they lost their first game). My bracket below:

One more thing, Happy Birthday Dad! I can't wait to play some catch with you when I get back.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lizard Love

You don't see these in Ohio. When I took this photo, I actually only saw one. I guess it is spring, seems like every living thing has a partner. Makes me miss Casie even more.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Save This Date

September 29th, 2007

Mark your calendars, the Applak wedding is coming!

I know Casie has been extremely busy trying keep maintain an apartment, bills, do taxes, and plan a wedding in my hometown all by herself. I thought I would try and use the little resources I have, my blog, to spread the word to our family and friends. We will get something out more formal in the coming months. In case you were wondering Applak is a combination of her last name, "Applin" and mine, "Wolak".

I try to keep this blog focused on my Operation Iraqi Freedom experience, but my heart is in Ohio.

Hang in there Casie, I am almost home (24 days...again)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

'Bout the Other Night

I mentioned yesterday about the knock on my door the middle of the night. Now I will fill you in.

About 12:15 am on Saturday night (Sunday morning) I heard a loud knock on my door. Of course, you don't just open your door in a combat zone. I loudly asked, "Who is it?", but received no reply. I waited a minute and then my curiosity told me to open the door. A middle aged women was walking away. I asked if she had knocked. She nodded and apologized, she mistakenly knocked on the wrong door.

It was just enough to wake you up and get your heart pumping.

And that's the rest of the story.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Smoke Signals

Man it is hard to get some shut eye around here. If it isn't mortar attacks, IEDs going off, noisy people, or people knocking on the wrong door, now it's the smoke detector in my room.

Last night around 12:30 am, two hours after I fell asleep, the alarm on my smoke detector went off. I waited a few seconds to see if it would turn off by itself. Nope, it didn't. I had to get up and turn on my blinding fluorescent lights and wave my hand at the thing. Two swipes and it shut off, no smoke was in the room. Strange, eh?

Maybe my late Grandpa Joe is watching over me, smoking his cigars.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Green Spot

Fresh DCU day is every Wednesday and Saturday (DCU: Desert Combat Uniform). That's when I take my laundry to the cleaners. If they are in by 10 am, then they will be ready after 12 pm the next day. I am getting spoiled, I know.

It feels good to throw on a new set of DCUs. The first day is the best, their crisp feel and neutral smell. Unfortunately my first day quickly became the last day for my DCUs on Wednesday of this week. After washing my hands before breakfast and heading to the self serve breakfast bar my elbow felt wet. I didn't do what your thinking, like dipping my elbow in some butter or syrup reaching for my French Toast. Nope, worse, when I looked down I had a dark green paste spot on my inner elbow. It was about a tablespoon's worth.

My male instinct told me to put my finger in it and smell it. It was odorless. I couldn't even make it to my normal seat. I had to make a pit stop and wipe it off with a napkin. In actuality, probably did more damage by smearing it in. I was grossed out my entire breakfast.

I had some Shout Wipes to take care of the green spot when I returned to my CHU. Thanks Mom!

What was it? wet, odorless, green (like a dark guacamole), and gross
Where did I get it from? and when?
How did I get it? Or who gave it to me?

Any ideas?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Entirely Too Long

I have been in Iraq entirely too long. You know how I know? People who arrived after me, are departing before me. Today Fred "Old School" Swain left onto bigger and better things.

Other ways I know:
- I am running out of toiletries.
- It is considered normal to walk to the shower in my Crocs every morning.
- I've had everything the chow hall has to offer...too many times to count!
- I am sick of ice cream (plus I gave it up for Lent)

- Movies that came to the theater after I left are coming to DVD now.
- The Major League Baseball season ended and started again
- I miss Casie! (but that started day one)

I am a Superman fanatic, but this was too funny not to share.
(WARNING: contains some graphic language)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Mountain Dew

Spring has arrived in Mosul! The weather has been perfect. So perfect, even the mountains came out on Wednesday. I haven't seen them since the end of November. My linguist once again came through, he told me their called the Maqlub Mountains.

I have been really busy, but even I have to eat. My gut not only told me to go to lunch, but take my camera too. I am glad I listened because I don't normally carry my camera on me.

It rained the night before, just enough to keep the dust down. So with a little rain, some luck, and a hungry stomach I present to you...

...The Maqlub Mountains: Widescreen Edition :-)

Can anyone guess the aircraft coming in for a landing above?
Select here for answer: C-130

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


You may have noticed the countdown at the top of the page has changed. Instead of reading 18 days, it now reads 32 days. I have officially been extended 14 days. I am one of the lucky ones because other airmen I came into country with were extended 45 days!

Oh well, it's peanuts compared to the 23 and a half weeks I've already done.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Ben's Fortress of Solitude hit a milestone yesterday, it was the 100th entry! I can't believe I have blogged for that long. My last deployment's blog was maybe 30 entries in a five month span. Let's celebrate yesterday's accomplishment with a random story today.

As I was walking from the chow hall the other night after another meal of chicken nuggets and french fries, I saw my first dog in Mosul. It looked friendly, yet scary at the same time. It followed me and Ben for a few feet. Taking a closer look, it had a poodle's head and a golden retriever's tale. Oh, and it was white with black here and there. It was the ugliest dog I've ever seen, in person.

Long story short, I gripped my pistol and it backed off. No joke. I gripped my pistol more out of habit than to scare the creature, but I am alive to tell the story.

What I'd like to know is, with all the security, how does a dog get on the FOB?

Sunday, March 04, 2007


The title is referring to the Mosul cuisine, Kubba (arabic: كبه). This week Sam, my linguist, placed an order for some food from outside the wire. It is a little more complicated than having a pizza delivered, but well worth it for a little taste of the Iraqi culture.

Since he was born in the area he gave me the scoop. The northern areas of Iraq are famous for some of the best kinds of wheat. From wheat they get a certain substance known as "borghul", which is wheat boiled, pealed and crushed. From this "borghul" "Kubba" is made.

Borghul is mixed with minced meat and hammered well. This it is flattened and pieces stuffed with meat and filled with nuts, sultanas, spices, parsley and onion. They are formed in shape of flat platters or round balls, then boiled and ready to serve.
It can be made from beef or lamb. Today we ate beef because lamb is more expensive.

"Kubba" is ancient. It is mentioned in Assyrian and Sumerian writings. Scholars of these languages say it is can record that king Ashur Nsssir Bal II , once gave a banquet and "Kubba" was included in the menu. Be that as it may, "Kubba" today is at top of Mosulli foods. Until recently it was confined to the Mosulite families of Baghd
ad, but it has now become a popular dish in Baghdad and other cities.

I know what your thinking, it looks pretty plain. Sam suggested eating it with BBQ sauce (or ketchup), lettuce, and tomato (like below).

It was delicious. With my second Iraqi food experience I am beginning to see a pattern. Overly simplified, they eat a lot of food centered around bread and that look similar to quesadillas. :-)

Did you notice the Diet Coke can in the first picture? It is called Coca-Cola Light.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Three Weeks!

In three weeks, from today, I could be on my way home. There is always the possibility to be slightly extended, like my last deployment to Tyndall AFB, FL. There, I was suppose to be deployed four months and was extended to five months. I am guessing the same thing will occur this deployment, but two of those weeks will involve traveling to get back to the states.

Three weeks to real food (pizza and wings), beer, and Casie.

And wedding planning, Pistons playoffs, Red Wing playoffs, and Tigers baseball.

Three weeks to...

You tell me. Leave a comment.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Second Wind

I am re-energized with the addition of my analyst. My work has literally been cut in half. I now have time to workout, email, grill, and even go to the theater.

I've been to the theater twice this week. On Monday I saw Flags of Our Fathers and on Wednesday I saw Casino Royale. Both were great!

I grilled hot dogs on Tuesday. I haven't had a hot dog in two months. The PX had them, but for whatever reason stop carrying them until last week. I actually picked up five packs! I think I am craving them because baseball is right around the corner.

As workouts go, I feel great. I am working out about 3-4 days a week, the past two weeks. A heck of a lot more than last month (zero workouts).

Here is my run log

Monday - 45:00 (4.80 mi) 9:22 mi pace
Tuesday - 30:00 (3.23 mi) 9:17 mi pace
Thursday - 30:00 (3.31 mi) 9:04 mi pace

I need to bring those times down to about 8:00 mi pace. Still I am happy considering I have to run on a treadmill and haven't workout out in a month.