Tuesday, March 06, 2007


You may have noticed the countdown at the top of the page has changed. Instead of reading 18 days, it now reads 32 days. I have officially been extended 14 days. I am one of the lucky ones because other airmen I came into country with were extended 45 days!

Oh well, it's peanuts compared to the 23 and a half weeks I've already done.


Anonymous said...

Well, 14 days isn't too bad, you should still make it home by the end of April right? It will still fly by too I'm sure...take is easy bro!

Casie said...

No big surprise.

If you're not back before Becky's 21st we get to take her out for her second 21st. That's right Beck...a second celebration just for you. Don't worry, I'm sure it will be a little more low key than the first.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the extention. Email me some time.
IS2 T Pilson

Unknown said...

Gotta Love active Duty! Go Guard!


Anonymous said...

Awww! That's too bad. Glad to see you are looking at the bright side of it.Maybe you'll have time to eat 5 packages of hot dogs!