Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Save This Date

September 29th, 2007

Mark your calendars, the Applak wedding is coming!

I know Casie has been extremely busy trying keep maintain an apartment, bills, do taxes, and plan a wedding in my hometown all by herself. I thought I would try and use the little resources I have, my blog, to spread the word to our family and friends. We will get something out more formal in the coming months. In case you were wondering Applak is a combination of her last name, "Applin" and mine, "Wolak".

I try to keep this blog focused on my Operation Iraqi Freedom experience, but my heart is in Ohio.

Hang in there Casie, I am almost home (24 days...again)


Anonymous said...

Getting all fancy with the red letters eh.

It's really 23 days for you...according to Becky's questionable math. She still thinks the flux capacitor is going to kick in at 88mph.

Was that a Hawthorne Heights reference? I thought you hated them?

Scott and Becky said...

Hey, now. It's completely possible. Ben 'IS' in intel. There's not telling what they're capable of! A flux capacitor? Why not!

Oh, and I have to say, when I first opened the blog I was like "WHOA! Is that how long they're keeping Ben now!?" You can't do stuff like that, man! I'm getting up in age, you about stopped my heart. ;)

I do enjoy the Applak. But you forgot the Benandra! Don't pretend it's not part of the name. I'm still counting on that specialty drink for the wedding. Don't let me down. ;)

ps. I caught the HH reference too. For shame Ben, for shame.

Anonymous said...

Why is that date familiar? Is that mom and dad's anniverary?